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How to Help Customers Choose the Right UPS?

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Electrical contractors and other IT service and equipment providers, helping customers how to choose right UPS is best for their needs requires asking lots of questions to determine exactly what those needs are, with respect to the loads the customer needs to protect and how much run time is required.

One thing we must realize is that technology has evolved into an essential aspect of our daily lives, transitioning from a luxury to a necessity. Now a days, virtually everyone turned to technology to keep the world running — from remote work to online learning to critical financial transactions.

How to choose right UPS?

The main thing should understand that the user needs single or 3-phase UPS. This can be determine by taking a look at the loads the UPS will protect, to assess their voltage range, or KVA value. Generally, loads of 20kVA or less can safely use a single-phase UPS. Larger loads will likely need a 3-phase UPS.

After determining that a 3-phase UPS is required, the next question is whether to use a 3/1 configuration or 3/3. A 3/1 UPS takes in 3-phase power but puts out single phase while a 3/3 takes in 3-phase power and likewise delivers 3-phase to the downstream loads.

IT equipment such as servers, printers typically use single-phase power supply while medical equipment such as MRI, X-Ray machines or large factory machines may use 3-phase power supply. While some customers prefer the 3/1 configuration because it maintains simplicity, the 3/3 configuration necessitates a more complex setup.

You have to determine how much time the customer needs to shut down the equipment. Depending on how much equipment there is, that likewise can vary greatly.

Using a simple approach, it’s best not to use up all the power a UPS can offer. Think, a UPS works better and lasts longer when it’s running at around 60% to 70%. Most of the time, people use even less – about 40% to 50%. This keeps things safe and gives you space to grow later on.

How to Choose Right UPS

The time you need to keep things running influences the choice of UPS battery. The market now offers a greater variety of choices with the introduction of lithium-ion batteries. These batteries work just as well as lead-acid ones, but they’re smaller and lighter for the same amount of power.

You can choose best UPS Batteries here:

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